Ms. Boyea's Class Essay!

              I think people should try Hindu religion for some days, walking barefoot on the stairs in temple praying to Hindu gods. Hinduism is kind of interesting because it has lots of festivals which you could celebrate with friends and families. Some of the festivals are Diwali, Holi, Dashain, etc… Diwali is usually celebrated by decorating homes with lamps and candles, bursting of firecrackers and sparklers, eating sweets and other mouthwatering dishes, praying to Gods and Goddesses, observing religious rituals, wearing new dresses and sending wishes and gifts to one another. In Holi, Hindus spray friends and family with colored powders and water, and generally go a bit wild in the streets. Dashain is the celebration of victory of god over evil. This festival symbolizes that good always prevails over bad. In this festival, people comes to visit their relatives to put Tika (it’s a rice which is mixed with red color powder and yogurt so the adults can put on their relatives' forehead and give them blessings). During these festivals, our relatives and us get together eating foods, singing and dancing. Not only do we eat all the foods by ourselves but we also offer foods for gods by placing plateful foods in the little temple which we have inside our home. One interesting fact about Diwali is that we gathered with friends and family going door to door singing, dancing, and giving them blessings. After that, they give us something to eat and money for our meaningful blessings. One main fact about our religion is that we have more than hundred of gods and goddesses. Some of the foods we usually eat celebrating these festivals are Somasa, Momo, Roti, etc. Somasa is a fried pastry with savory filling, such as spiced potatoes, onions, peas, lentils and also with ground meat (lamb, beef or chicken). Momo is a steamed dumpling filled with meat (Chicken or Pork) or vegetables (Cabbage and onion). Roti is a round bread cooked on a griddle. 

              The main gods which we mostly worship to are Ganesha, Shiva, and Krishna. Ganesha is the lord of good fortune who provides prosperity, fortune and success. Shiva is the god of the yogis, self-controlled and celibate, while at the same time a lover of his spouse. One fact about lord Shiva is that he's the destroyer of the universe while lord Bramha is the creator and Bishnu a preserver. Krishna is worshiped as the eighth incarnation of the Hindu god Vishnu and also as a supreme god in his own right. One funny fact about lord Krishna is that he had 1,600 wives. The Histories of Hindu deities are interesting as well as sensational.